# action.yml name: 'build docker image and push to code' description: 'build docker image and push to simcu code' runs: using: 'composite' steps: - uses: docker://node:20 with: entrypoint: "/bin/bash" args: | -c "export https_proxy= && \ export http_proxy= && \ npm install && \ npm run build -- --output-path=dist" - uses: docker://ubuntu:latest with: entrypoint: "/bin/bash" args: | -c 'echo "FROM nginx:alpine" > Dockerfile && \ echo "COPY dist /usr/share/nginx/html" >> Dockerfile && \ echo "WORKDIR /usr/share/nginx/html/" >> Dockerfile && \ echo "已经构建完DOCKERFILE了" && \ cat Dockerfile' - uses: docker://docker:git with: entrypoint: "/bin/sh" args: | -c 'docker build -t ${{vars.DOCKER_REGISTRY}}/${{github.repository}}:${{ github.ref_name }} . && \ echo ${{vars.DOCKER_REGISTRY}}/${{github.repository}}:${{ github.ref_name }}已经构建完了 && \ docker login ${{vars.DOCKER_REGISTRY}} -u ${{vars.DOCKER_USER}} -p ${{vars.DOCKER_PASS}} && \ docker push ${{vars.DOCKER_REGISTRY}}/${{github.repository}}:${{ github.ref_name }} && \ echo ${{vars.DOCKER_REGISTRY}}/${{github.repository}}:${{ github.ref_name }}推送成功'